Design Thinking for Innovation

2.5 Empathy: Observe

1:42 min video
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Key Takeaways

  • Observation helps us paint a more colorful picture of our End User and the challenge.
  • Observed empathy is gained by paying attention to what our End User is doing, looking for what they wouldn't have told us otherwise when we were listening to them.
  • Ask yourself, "are they using the system, service, or product different than I expected? ###

ActivityLet's do some people-watching! Grab a notebook and find a place with a lot of people. Maybe a mall, a public park, or the airport. Find a place to sit and spend 10-20 minutes just watching as people pass by. What trends do you notice? How are people interacting with each other and with the environment? Who stands out, and why? Remember- seek surprises, think about WHY, and take notes!###


Group Discussion
  • Share about your people-watching activity with your team. What surprises stood out?
  • How might we observe how our End Users interact with us?###



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