Design Thinking for Innovation

3.3 Ideate 2.0: Sorting

4:59 min video
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Key Takeaways

  • Make sure that you are taking time to do the two parts of Ideation separately!
  • The goal of sorting is taking the chaos from "What are the Possibilities?" and narrowing down to one idea or a group of ideas that the team will take into Prototype.
  • Once you have all of the team's ideas on the wall, you can start asking the more questions like, "Will it work?"
  • Lean into the convergent thinkers in this space!
  • We sort our ideas into four quadrants-
  • Been There Done That Could Have Been Done Better/BTDTCBDB- Yes, that's really the name. We never rule out an idea just because we've tried it before.
  • Game Changer- If we could do this exactly as it is on the sticky note, it would obviously and immediately change the game.
  • No Brainer- These are ideas that make us say, "We should have been doing that yesterday!" So, do it! Don't wait to implement these ideas!
  • Parking Lot- These are not bad ideas, however these ideas will not move us in the direction we are heading for this challenge. That does not mean you can't come back to these ideas later! 
  • You do not have to move forward with just one idea into prototype! Your prototype could be a combination of several ideas, or even multiple different prototypes, depending on the team's capacity.###

Personal ReflectionRefer back to the description in video 2.1 of the two types of thinking we do in Design Thinking. Are you a divergent or convergent thinker?###

Group Discussion
  1. Divergent and convergent are two starkly different ways of thinking. Who on your team identifies as a divergent or convergent thinker? 
  2. How can you capitalize on the strengths of both types of thinking on your team?###


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