Mindsets & Postures

Abundance Section 3

1:58 min video
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Personal ReflectionNow that you’ve heard Sam’s story about his friend, consider the following questions:

  1. If she had been alone on this journey, do you think that she would have come to the same conclusion? Why? 
  2. Who on your team, or in your family, pushes you to embrace a mindset of abundance? 
  3. Who do you push to ensure a mindset of abundance? 
  4. Where in your life might generosity and gratefulness lead you into a mindset of abundance? ###

ActivityTake a few minutes and read the story in Matthew 14:13-21. As you reflect on the reaction of the disciples, what do you see driving their response? What areas of your life, or on your team, can you relate to the disciples’ reaction? ###


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