Mindsets & Postures

Generative Section 3

Rachel Wilcox
1:25 min video
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Key Takeaways

  1. Clear is kind.Âł
  2. In addition to great communication, we must also consistently contribute.  
So, let’s recap! In order to posture ourselves generatively, we must:
  1. Listen well,
  2. Defer judgment,
  3. Accept the possibilities,
  4. Consistently contribute. ###

Personal Takeaways

  1. Do you have someone on your team who checks out regularly? If so, how could you help him or her remain engaged? 
  2. How might a posture of generativity allow contributions to ideas, especially when members may not agree with the initial idea?
  3. True generativity has an expectation that your team will build upon your idea.  How might you create an environment that expects building on the inputs, thoughts, and ideas of others? ###




3.  BrenĂ© Brown, “Clear Is Kind. Unclear Is Unkind.”, BrenĂ© Brown, 15 October 2018, https://brenebrown.com/articles/2018/10/15/clear-is-kind-unclear-is-unkind/, (accessed 31 January 2022)


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