Mindsets & Postures

Stewardship Section 5

Rob Wassel
2:50 min video
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Personal ReflectionThis section is designed to go deeper in considering a life of a steward. Reflect on the following five question as you consider your relationship to your work and family.

  1. Am I transactional in my relationships? In other words, do I see or treat others as a means to accomplishing what I want? Where is this mindset rooted in?Ā 
  2. Is my identity anchored to what Iā€™ve produced, or my title, or my position, or my team or my organization? How comfortable am I walking away from all of those things should God ask me to?Ā  What might it take for me to become comfortable?Ā 
  3. Do I operate out of hidden fear of the unknown, fear of ambiguity, fear of losing my job, fear of failure or fear of what others think? What is this fear rooted in?
  4. Do I get emotionally entangled with people and things that I manage? How might a posture of stewardship affect my emotional involvement?
  5. Do I unknowingly hold the organizationā€™s narrative above Godā€™s meta-narrative? If so, where is that mindset rooted in?
Stewardship is vital to innovation for three key reasons. First, we must become stewards so that the solution we design reflects the values and needs of those we serve. Second, stewardship orients our thinking and postures, so we are not the obstructionists to innovation. And third, stewardship allows us to not anchor ourselves to the organizationā€™s narrative, preserving the past and perpetuating outdated paradigms.

Last, let us remind you to become indifferent to anything but what God wants. In doing so, we openhandedly steward, not own and grasp, those things and people God puts in our path.Ā ###
Group Discussion
  1. What are examples of healthy stewardship within our organization?Ā 
  2. How has our team shifted away from stewardship and moved toward ownership? Are there fears that need to be addressed, individually or collectively?
  3. What might our organization feel like if all we did was from a posture of stewardship?Ā 
  4. Considering the 1 Corinthians 9:24 and Hebrews 12: 1-2 scriptures, we need to focus on the meta-narrative outside of ourselves and personal preferences in order to persevere. Does our organization hold up the meta-narrative as its key "why," or do we have the tendency to over focus on the organizationā€™s narrative? What is the difference and how might we not misplace our focus?Ā ###


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