Mindsets & Postures

Humility Section 2

Jacob Hancock
2:42 min video
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Key Takeaways: 

  1. Innovation requires collaboration and collaboration requires humility.
  2. Catmul wrote: “If we start off with the attitude that different viewpoints are additive rather than competitive, we become more effective because our ideas and decisions are honed and tempered by that.” ¹
  3. When individuals function with the mentality of teachability or meekness, which is the fruit of humility, this collective wisdom flourishes. 
  4. If we seek agreement, we limit the group to our way of thinking.
  5. Innovation emerges from a team, not from an individual. ###

Personal Reflection:

  1. How might you identify whether you’re listening for agreement or understanding?
  2. Has there ever been a time when you feel your ideas were shot down because of creative differences on your team? If you’ve ever rejected the ideas of others, what could you have done differently to understand their perspective? ###


1.  Ed Catmull, Creativity Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration, First Edition, (New York, NY, Random House Company, 2014), pp. 173-174


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